The average house price on ASH HILL LANE is £564,097
The most expensive house in the street is 15 ASH HILL LANE with an estimated value of £651,085
The cheapest house in the street is 3 ASH HILL LANE with an estimated value of £425,971
The house which was most recently sold was 2 ASH HILL LANE, this sold on 15 Jun 2018 for £465,000
The postcode for ASH HILL LANE is LS17 8JN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 ASH HILL LANE Detached , 134 m2 £582,715 £465,000 15 Jun 2018
3 ASH HILL LANE Detached , 96 m2 £425,971 £339,000 23 May 2018
7 ASH HILL LANE Detached £636,410 £120,000 14 Feb 1997
8 ASH HILL LANE Detached , 114 m2 £519,743 £350,000 30 Mar 2015
9 ASH HILL LANE Detached £546,824 £295,000 4 Jun 2009
10 ASH HILL LANE Detached , 142 m2 £543,761 £390,000 29 Dec 2015
11 ASH HILL LANE Detached £617,623 £395,000 5 Dec 2007
12 ASH HILL LANE Detached , 138 m2 £588,968 £345,000 17 Aug 2010
14 ASH HILL LANE Detached , 122 m2 £550,886 £370,000 13 Feb 2015
15 ASH HILL LANE Detached , 137 m2 £651,085 £395,000 25 Oct 2013
16 ASH HILL LANE Detached £542,446 £110,000 12 Dec 1997
17 ASH HILL LANE Detached , 115 m2 £506,085 £295,000 27 Sep 2012
18 ASH HILL LANE Detached £620,755 £178,000 6 Apr 2001